Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Bensoni, Spring 2011

Truth is without the hairdo I probably wouldn't of drawn the look.  Is that wrong?  Sorry Bensoni, I just have a thing for braids and when there are multiples and they are looped up then its even harder to resist.  If I ever have a baby girl she will surely get made fun of at school because it will be hard to resist replicating this look.  Just look at my poor sister-in-law, who had to put up with my need to make funky hair-dos while on vacation.  yikes, to my look, but forgive me I was on vacation.


Ok..Bensoni I just feel bad, so I will say this about your dress.  I love the flowly white sheer layer, it makes me think of Christo and his use of a zillion yards of fabric.

Apparently the Christo camp is running into a few snags for their planned project, which would cover several miles of the Arkansas river in Colorado.  People argue that it will bring too much traffic to the area and be bad for the wildlife, especially the bighorn sheep that live there.  If it gets approved you could go white water rafting down the river while yards of sheer fabric are above you.  That would be so cool!  I think the sheep would like temporary change of scenery. Before I get hate I would not want the environment to be impacted by art, but my artist eye is feeling greedy and really wants to see this!  below is a sketch

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